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a 5ft 2" human, her husband, and their adopted dog.
Plant-Based MILK
Browse through the dairy section at your local supermarket and you're bound to find a milk alternative (a.k.a. mylk) depending on the country you reside in. Today, there's a whole range of milk varieties besides cow milk, such as almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, soy milk, hemp milk, oat milk, macadamia milk, pea milk, peanut milk, barley milk, oat milk, rice milk, spelt milk, and quinoa milk. Woah.
It's no surprise that globally, the industry is estimated to be worth $16 billion. A growing number of consumers are swapping to other forms of milk due to natural/developed allergens, disagreement with the treatment of animals in the supply chain, detrimental environmental effects, and a growing concern about the use of antibiotic and hormone in cow milk production.
According to the Plant Based Food Association (U.S.), plant-based milk represented 15% of the total milk market in 2018, with a growth of 9% from 2017 (accounting for $1.6 billion in sales). Creamers grew 131% with $109 million in sales. This is compared to cow's milk which decreased by 6%.
If you know of any other plant-based cheese companies that you'd love to see on this list below, please do share via

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Co-founded by Greg Steltenpohl in April 2010, Califia is headquartered out of San Joaquin Valley in sunny California. They currently produce 79 different products in these general categories: plant milks, dairy free creamers, cold brew coffees, probiotic dairy free yogurts and citrus juices.
Used by baristas to students, Califia is currently available in U.S., U.K. and Canada. For more info, click here.

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In 1985, Rickard Öste founded Oat-ly. They’re currently headquartered in Malmö, Sweden, and serve more than 20 countries throughout Europe and Asia.
Their products are created based on Swedish research and their company’s patented enzyme technology. They aim to provide products that are both healthy and environmentally-friendly. To view their 36 products, click here.

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In 1978, Silk was founded by Steve Demos in Colorado. It started as an aspiring tofu company, but gradually evolved into a company that produces 68 products that includes milk, creamer and yoghurt. 38 years later, Silk’s parent company WhiteWave Foods was acquired by Danone for $10.4 billion.
Silk is available in a few countries, simply type in “Silk Milk + (country)”. Or you can click here.

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Ripple is one of the very few milk companies that uses pea, more specifically yellow pea. They formulate their milk to (per serving) have 50% more calcium than cow’s milk, 8g of protein, and additionally, they fortify it with vitamins, mineral and omega-3.
Being one of the more nutritious milks out there, Ripple serves to be a favourable option for those with soy and nut allergies. In 2018, Ripple launched a protein powder and protein shake product line, increasing the total number of products available to 18.
They’re currently available in U.S. and Canada. For more info, click here.

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In 2012, Stephen Williamson and John-Charles Hanley founded Forager Project. Set on creating foods made with clean, simple ingredients, Forager started out as a cold-pressed vegetable drink company.
In 2015, they entered the alternative milk industry using cashews - but compared to the other companies in the market, Forager’s milks were known to have twice as much cashews (twice the calories, but with twice the creamy-ness!).
They currently has 8 main product categories, which includes milk, cashewgurt, creamers, and even vegetable chips (made from the pulp from their vegetable juices). Available in U.S. and Canada, a list of their products can be seen here.

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In 1980, Alpro was founded by the Vandemoortele group (a Belgian family business), starting out as a soy milk business. In 2009, they were sold for $455 million to Dean Foods, who parked it under their subsidiary WhiteWave.
In 2013, WhiteWave was spun off as an independent company and listed on NYSE. Dean Foods sold off their remaining stake in Whitewave, and 3 years later they were acquired by Danone.
Today there are over 80 products in 6 categories. Their milk products include: hazelnut, almond, soya, cashew, coconut rice and oat milk, and can be found in 54 countries around the world. Simply type in: “Alpro Milk + (country)”, or click here for more info.

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In 2005, Nick and Camilla Barnard founded Rude Health. Their first product was muesli, creating one that sought to be the “world’s most enjoyable muesli”, made only with real whole foods.
14 years later, Rude Health now offers 67 products in 8 categories: drinks (milks), granola, muesli, snacks, porridge, cereals, kids and flours. For milk, they have 12 different types of products - brown rice, cashew, almond, hazelnut etc.
Headquartered in U.K., their products are now available in U.S., U.K. and Europe. For more info, click here.

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Founded in 1996, Good Karma Foods provides flax milk. It’s currently the leading manufacturer and marketer of flax milk in the U.S., with 21 different flax milk and yoghurt products.
In 2017, one of the largest dairy companies in the U.S., Dean Foods, became the majority shareholder in Good Karma Foods.
Based out of Boulder (Colorado), Good Karma is available across the U.S. (stores can be found here).

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Tempt Hemp is under Hudson River Foods (a collective of brands focusing on organic, non-G.M.O., kosher, vegan and allergen-free products), based out of upstate New York.
Today, Tempt Hemp is the market leader in the hemp milk category, with 7 hemp milk options: original, unsweetened original, vanilla, unsweetened vanilla, chocolate, coconut and unsweetened coconut.
Available in the U.S. and Canada (where the hemp seeds are imported from), hemp milk has its unique set of nutrients that serves to be a great alternative for customers with soy, nut and dairy allergies. For more info, click here.

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Innocent was founded by Rich, Adam and Jon in 1998. They sold smoothies at a music festival, and asked customers to vote (with their empty juice bottles) on whether they should quit their full-time jobs and work on Innocent: the answer was a resounding yes.
20 years later, they’re currently owned by Coca Cola but still operate with their independent company culture, mission and values. In 2018, Innocent launched their milks: almond, hazelnut and oat. Using only 3-4 ingredients, they allow customers to enjoy their product without worrying about additives.
Their products are available in multiple countries all over the world, click here for more info.

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SO delicious
Founded in 1987 by Mark Brawerman, So Delicious is headquartered in Oregon, with Springfield as their production location. They were acquired by WhiteWave for $195 million, which was subsequently acquired by Danone (now known as DanoneWave).
For nearly 30 years, So Delicious has been serving customers frozen desserts, yoghurt, creamers, mousse, shreds and beverages. Altogether they have over 50 products, that include organic and non-organic almond, coconut, and cashew milk.
Their products are available globally. For more info, click here.

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australia's own organic
Australia’s Own Organic is under the Freedom Foods Group Limited (they own a group of plant-based and non-plant based brands). All of their ingredients are organic and certified by the Australian Certified Organic Program.
Providing customers with milks free from pesticides, the company launched plant-based beverages in 1986, making them one of the pioneers in Australia.
Specializing in soy milks, rice milks, breakfast drinks, and most recently pea milk, their products can be found globally. For more info, click here.

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Previously located in Australia, Milkadamia is one the global market leaders in macadamia milk. In 2016, the company’s CEO opened their headquarters in Chicago, and began manufacturing their product in Buffalo, New York. Their macadamia nuts continues being sourced from family-owned Jindilli Farms, in the eastern coast of Australia, where macadamia tree is a native Australian rainforest tree.
Milkadamia currently produces 4 products: Latte Da Barista (milk for coffee), Original, Unsweetened and Unsweetened Vanilla.
They’re currently available in the U.S., Australia, U.K., Argentina and various other countries around the world. For more info, click here.

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good mylk
Good Mylk was founded by animal's right activist, Abhay Rangan and his mother in Bangalore, India. As vegans living in Bangalore, the Rangan family found it difficult to find delicious plant-based milks, and in 2014, Good Mylk was born.
They currently serve the greater Bangalore market, via home delivery services - fresh nut milk right to your door step!
Most famously known for their curd, they currently produce products with the knowledge that adults in India primarily use milks as ingredients in their cooking and additives in their tea/coffee.
For more info, click here.

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Pacific was founded by Chuck Eggert in 1987, who experimented with tofu and soy milk long before it was a mainstream food item in the West. Today, they're best known as a natural foods brand, and the company employs over 400 staff and produces over 100 plant-based and non-plant based products.
With 67% of the company sales in soups and broths (as of 2014), the remainder of the sales compromises of their meal/sides (e.g. beans) and milks, which includes almond, hemp, soy, hazelnut, rice, oat, coconut and cashew milk.
As a privately held company, Pacific is the perfect example of a large scale company who still stays true to the spirit of local and organic. For more info, click here.
With the vegan cheese global market estimated to be worth $3.906 billion by 2024 (growing at a CAGR of 7.6% from 2016 to 2024), click here to read more about the growth of the plant-based industry. Or more specifically, who are investing in them, and who are buying the companies out.